Monday, December 3, 2012

 Santa's Wonderland

     My husband and I, along with Grandma (who happens to be visiting), took the kids to see Santa yesterday at the Santa's Wonderland at Bass Pro Shop. It was a 3 1/2 hour wait but so much to do it wasn't much of a bother. My husband was all to happy to hang out and wait in this Hunting/Fishing Wonderland! Plenty for everyone to do...and buy.

      Well, after our 3 1/2 hours of waiting it was my kids' turn to see Santa. (Did I mention they were doing FREE pictures? Hence the long wait...not to mention there is NO HUNTING on Sundays here in VA so EVERYONE was out and about.) My kids got up to Santa and proceeded to tell him what a stinker little Elfie has been. He played along with the kids so well. He was really and AWESOME Santa!

Look at that! All three kids WITH SANTA! No one Terrified out of their minds AND they are ALL SMILING! And, as and added BONUS....they are all looking at the camera! This has never happened before, ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!

      Well, even after being tattled on by my children, it looks like little Elfie is at it again. My kids caught him playing Angry Birds this morning. Yep, even Santa's little helpers are addicted!  My 6 year old son REALLY got a kick out this!


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